Thursday, March 18, 2010

Well, we are coming up on the middle of March already. My 5th year anniversary of business will be on Saturday, April 3, this coincides with my birthday of April 2. I will have a 30% off sale, except all ready marked on items and consignments. I will have my favorite cake, chocolate and drinks, please join me in this event.
I am off to the beach for a couple of days. My friends Nancy Hill and Alvira Spangler will be in charge while I am gone. Lincoln City here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have new fabrics in the shop, sweet, sweet rose. A beautiful pink grouping and there is a free pattern with this line.
I haven't quite figured out the adding of photos to this blog, bare with me as I journey along on this new facet of my business.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

making room

Well, with the help of my husband and two friends, we rearranged the store on Sunday. Mostly because my class room just wasn't quite big enough. It is very open now and hopefully we will be able to get more daylight in the back part of the store. Whenever I do this I get nervous about if it's the right thing to do. I don't mind changes, you have to go with the flow. However, I want the space to always be appealing to my customers. The only way to find out is to go with it. You never know what life has to offer if you don't go down that road. It's probably going to be great.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

blogs that I like

Well, It's a beautiful day on the Palouse and I am ready for quilters to come into my store. This is the year that I have discovered Eleanor Burns method of quilting. You might see that in my class scheduling. I mean once I post it here, but you can view it at my stores website, Eleanor has a fun website too,
I also have bec0me inamored with the selvaged edge blog site, you can do any kind of sewing projects using your slevage edges and their is no shortage, just ask your friends to give them to you.
My daughter also has a blog,, please view her site and see what a 22 year old can accomplish when she puts her mind to it.