Thursday, June 23, 2011

A new place to play

Well, I visited with my friend Joanie Wilken yesterday.  She has a new playground and we all are invited to play with her.  Joanie is the designer of Harebrained & Happy Designs.  She designs the cutest rabbit style wall hangings, quilts, hand painted furniture and so much more.  I mean CUTE!!  She has a new location in Kendrick, Idaho.  You need to call first to visit, 208-816-8520/address is 402 E Main St, Kendrick, Id.  Her studio/store is filled with pretty colors, pretty fabric, pretty everything.  You sit in her comfy chairs and have tea, you admire her ability to design, create anything rabbitity (new word, not in the dictionary yet!).  A lovely drive  down hill, into a pretty valley setting.

It really is awesome.  Here are a couple of  pictures, there will be more to come.  You must call and visit, I promise you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mile stones, are they just in my childrens lives or mine too?

My adult children are scratching their way through life.  As I view theirs I remember mine at that age.  I was married and having fun, children were not on the horizon, until one day, well there he was, my son.  What are my children thinking about right now?  Both of them are going through changes and I believe that they will come out victorious. They are touching on miles stones right now and there will be more to come, but those stones hurt don't they?  Big, rough, hard and so ominous.  Well I survived and I know they will as well.  I guess my pain at watching it, is as my mother and fathers pain was to watch myself and my sister's mile stones.  When I reach that mile stone of not worrying anymore, I believe that I will be dead, no really, I just don't think my worry factor will ever go away.  Some days are not as near as bad as others, but it is still there isn't it?  The worry I have is not contained to just my kids either.  Will I get the quilting jobs done in time?, will they be good enough to make my customers happy?  The list is endless in my head.  But I believe that I too will be victorious.  Here's to tomorrow and what it may bring, I am ready for ya!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

As I have said before.....

Everyday is a learning experience.  I now know how to  download books onto my Iphone, so if you need help, I can do it.  I don't know how to send out emails from my gmail account, so sorry for the three messages you just got.
I want to add my new library facebook page to this blog, but, well you'll know in about 3 hours if I got it right or not.
I have learned (well am still trying) that everything happens for a reason and worrying really doesn't fix, change or help the situation.  I have learned that procrastination is a big part of my personality (sorry quilts waiting to be quilted and quilts waiting to be made).  So I hope that you have learned something of use today and the day isn't over yet!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hello Sunshine

With the seasons that change so do our activities.  Spring seems to have finally come to the Palouse and that means outdoor work.  Now for a few years, I haven't really participated because of my main street business. But now.....well I am not on main street but looking out my home's window's and there is no doubt where I need to be.  Machine quilting will become an evening activity and I will for the first time in a long time be able to go into the sunlight on a regular day.  I have mixed feelings as I have been a mole for so long.  Well here it goes, wish me luck!!