Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mile stones, are they just in my childrens lives or mine too?

My adult children are scratching their way through life.  As I view theirs I remember mine at that age.  I was married and having fun, children were not on the horizon, until one day, well there he was, my son.  What are my children thinking about right now?  Both of them are going through changes and I believe that they will come out victorious. They are touching on miles stones right now and there will be more to come, but those stones hurt don't they?  Big, rough, hard and so ominous.  Well I survived and I know they will as well.  I guess my pain at watching it, is as my mother and fathers pain was to watch myself and my sister's mile stones.  When I reach that mile stone of not worrying anymore, I believe that I will be dead, no really, I just don't think my worry factor will ever go away.  Some days are not as near as bad as others, but it is still there isn't it?  The worry I have is not contained to just my kids either.  Will I get the quilting jobs done in time?, will they be good enough to make my customers happy?  The list is endless in my head.  But I believe that I too will be victorious.  Here's to tomorrow and what it may bring, I am ready for ya!!

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